Tuesday, February 16, 2010

News: The Economic Policy Institute – 2/16/10


American Indians and the Great Recession—Economic Disparities Growing Larger
Issue Brief

Getting Good Jobs to People of Color
Briefing Paper

Unequal unemployment—Racial disparities in unemployment vary widely by state
Issue Brief

Stuck in Neutral: Economic Gains Stall Out for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in 2000s
Briefing Paper

Hispanics and the economy: Economic stagnation for Hispanic American workers, throughout the 2000s
Briefing Paper

Reversal of fortune: Economic gains of 1990s overturned for African Americans from 2000-07
Briefing Paper

What a recession means for black America
Issue Brief

Web-only Content


A bleak future for black children
Analysis & Opinion

High unemployment: A fact of life for American Indians
Economic Snapshots

Reversing the Decline in Good Jobs [event]

Jobs creation effort needs to focus on good jobs
Economic Snapshots

Three lessons about black poverty
Analysis & Opinion

African Americans see weekly wage decline
Economic Snapshots

Among college-educated, African Americans hardest hit by unemployment
Economic Snapshots

Jobs Picture, September 5, 2008 - Special Issue
Economic Indicators

Understanding the black jobs crisis

Subprime mortgages are nearly double for Hispanics and African Americans


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Anonymous said...

Although Irin had a powerful gift, she had not honed it to sorcerer level. Hyles hand came up to brace on his shoulder, encouraging him to look up again. For a heartbeat, Nialdlye thought shed fall into Radins embrace and that Savous would follow. Tykir and Brevin stepped aside, and Lanthan sank onto the couch with her. Someone said her name, actual sounds for her ears to hear. She was still searching for a way to make it up to them. Gala knelt at her side, a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Tossing her ponytail behind her shoulders, Eyrhaen got to her knees and crawled forward. To Eyrhaen, they all looked rather comfortable together in the domestic scene. This felt right, and she was here cutting out her soul anyway. What more do you want me to say? Dont expect me to like it, and dont expect me to let you tease me! Glorious restriction kept her anger safely at bay. She writhed, prodding the tip of him with her drenched folds. he growled into her ear. He was too tall for her lips to meet his normally. For now, there is just the one. I was, for all intents and purposes, dead for an endless time. She could feel it in her soul. She twisted her grip as she slid her fist from root to tip.

Anonymous said...

She pushed into the barrier again and sought his square chin and gorgeously wide mouth. Salin told me that he was awake, but hes not come out of his suite. Tears spilled down Savouss cheeks when he laid his cheek on top of Irins head. Didnt matter that only Lanthan was touching her. Shaking, she stood still until she thought her vision might be back to normal.
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Anonymous said...

The gods instructed Pharroh to give the Jews gold as temptation, and it worked.
So unlike Pharroh, but an effective corruptor which allowed the gods to justify 40 years of warmongering under Joshua. This caused another host of problems to befall the Jews as well.
What a bunch of dumb-ass kikes. The gods used them as "minor partners" with the Italians in the destruction of Planet Earth through "Western Civilization", leading us to where we are today.

Even as peasant farmers we could be lulled::Good weather, bountiful harvests, etc. This is what old-world preachers were good for.
This stereotypical preacher had classic preaching styles:::Loud, damnation-fueled teachings. Contrast to today, preachers who are lulling the Damned into cruise control. The old-world style was important to snap people out of complacency. Unfortunately, in today's enviornment people consider this style insulting, and they lose a precious message designed for the favored of yesterday.

The Republicans got tired of being fingered for the corrupt trash they are and this time around timed the crisis so it would fall into the Democrat's lap with the bailout scandal. Republican donors/friends enjoyed enrichment at the expense of the taxpayer, as we saw with the S&L Scandal in the 80s, but this time they dodged the scorn associated and tried to unload it on the opposing party.
The real estate scandal was different, but fools who do what they are told greased the wheels of this crisis. Now they have the information they need, been foreclosed on and evicted, and are left holding an empty bag labeled "immortality".
The gods played both sides of this event, and those to whom they sold the real estate scam to in the 90s profiteered in the 2000s when the sub-prime machine flew into full gear during the peak of the market in 05-07. But we are all judged for our behavior, real or clone host, and despite perception of priveledge those who participated will suffer poetic justice, unless they have slipped into Damnation and are no longer eligible for punishment.
The gods position their theater like this for a reason::::This alienates the masses who flock to the party of evil liberalism while using the Republicans to prepare for god's will with governmental insolvency and the destruction of the true "evil empire".

The United States is a dumping ground for the disfavored. THis was how it was used during European immigration, this is how it is used today.
The Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami of 3/11/11 was actuslly a good sign for the people. Alarming because it came decades after their most recent admitted atrocities during WWII, at least they will experience corrective punishment, whereas the United States won't be as lucky.
Russia too enjoyed corrective punishment for the 1980 invasion of Afghanistan.
THere is something about this country. Interferring/injuring the Afghan people incurrs he god's wrath. It cost the SOviets their protection of communism. Now the gods have leveled the playing field among the last few white peoples who still enjoyed it on their way to a homogeneous global enviornment. If I am right about the United States we won't be as lucky. When we go down it will be for good, and there will be no recovery.
Yes, the clone host fake politicians have been planning for this for decades. Ronald Reagan turned a $1 trillion Federal debt into $6 trillion at the end of his Administration. Much like W in Iraq, this served to terminate the favor of a group of people. Reagan just didn't have to do it with violence as W did, but he did do it against white people, which says something.
I believe in killing, non-reincarnation:::The only way Planet Earth will achieve sustainability is if we "take out the trash" and the gods allow the most disfavored among us to be eliminated. The bouy is sinking, social decay is becoming ruinous and unless it begins to rise to the surface the gods will get their way and life will end on Planet Earth.